Part of the Tisdall Aviation Group
Student Portal
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Do I need aviation experience?

Designed for beginners.

Our aviation courses are built for high school graduates with no ATAR or aviation experience

You can rest assured that joining our Cert IV or Diploma programmes requires no prior experience in the aviation industry. We will assume senior high school academic skills and abilities but reinforce your maths and introduce basic physics from scratch. We also have a free Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment tool you can use if you are uncertain of your academic readiness.

Candidates for flight training are also welcome to book an aptitude test (approximately $220) or a Trial Instructional Flight (approximately $170) to ascertain an indication of their piloting ability. Contact our team for further assistance.

Why study at Flight One Academy?

training by industry for industry.

Why would you not?

Flight One Academy is entirely owned and operated by the Tisdall Aviation Group – a folio of high quality Australian aviation service providers. The group’s operations include Pilot, Engineer and Manager training through the Registered Training Organisations (Flight One Academy and Australian Wings Academy), significant aircraft maintenance operations (Flight Maintenance Australia and Pulse Aero) as well as the Flight One Charter company and Contrails corporate travel brokerage and FBO.

Training within the Tisdall Aviation Group offers a unique level of immersion in a genuine aviation environment and exposure to aviation lifestyle, people and opportunities.

What are the requirements to join a course?

Simple Entry Conditions.

Flight One Academy makes aviation training accessible and inclusive.

Each course has particular entry requirements in addition to the baseline of high school graduation with average or above results. There are no specific grade or subject requirements apart from English and basic maths. Physics is helpful but not essential. If you have not completed high school, or undertaken home schooling, you may still be eligible – just ask our team for assistance. Flight students should also be aware that it is a CASA requirement to be at least 17 to hold a Private Pilot Licence and at least 18 to hold a Commercial Pilot Licence.

I don’t live in Brisbane. Can I still join a course?

Come to Brisbane.

Lifestyle, great weather, beaches and more!

Unless you have specific permission to undertake theory training online, all training is conducted face to face on campus so if you don’t live in Brisbane, you will need to relocate. However, our Student Services Team is all about assisting and supporting our students, so we can provide helpful suggestions and advice on accommodation and transport. Did you know, we are just near Griffith University’s main Brisbane campus, so there are usually plenty of student-friendly accommodation options nearby, plus student apartments and unit blocks in the city are within easy commuting distance by public transport or car.

Can I study part time?

Part Time Study.

What are my options?

Flight training at Flight One Academy has been carefully designed to offer maximum flexibility whilst still accessing VET Student Loans. Currently we offer a longer Commercial Pilot Licence diploma programme that provides the flexibility to work and attend to other commitments such as university studies whilst still progressing at a reasonable pace. A fast track option is also available for a more intensive, quicker training journey.

Engineer training is only available full time, face to face due to the demands of the CASA licence outcome. However, if you are offered or find an apprenticeship during your studies, you can swap to part time, online learning as we coordinate with your employer to progress you through the training at a much slower pace, enabling you to work full time.

What’s the difference between Flight One Academy and Australian Wings Academy’s flight training?

Both of the Tisdall Aviation Group’s RTO’s are excellent places to learn. They each have their own special features, and both offer the Commercial Pilot Licence and Multi Engine Instrument Rating with VET Student Loans approval. Both have similarly attractive pricing. There are, however, significant differences in the course design and delivery.

Flight One Academy (based in Brisbane) has simple entry criteria and is designed to provide flexibility and a personalised training experience. Students are expected to undertake self-guided learning, supported by our instructors, and are offered longer duration options to complete units of study – ideal for those working or studying at university. Flight One Academy also welcomes trainees with previous training and aeronautical experience who wish to continue their pilot training journey with us.

Australian Wings Academy (based in Coolangatta) has stringent entry requirements including a pilot aptitude test and offers a more intensive, structured and cohort-oriented classroom experience. Theory is taught in a traditional full-time class setting where maximum support is provided by experienced ground-school instructors. Australian Wings Academy students are expected to progress through the programme diligently and maintain the highest standards of attendance and professionalism throughout their training journey and beyond.

What are acceptable “Extenuating Circumstances” during training?

Following are some examples of circumstances that we may deem reasonable should such circumstances interfere with your planned training schedule or exams. Ultimately, the relevant Head of Training will determine the acceptability of your circumstances. You should aim to gather supporting evidence wherever possible to demonstrate that your circumstances as described are genuine.

Circumstance Suggested Evidence  Comments
Illness / Medical (self or family) Doctor’s note, Hospital admission documentation Illness is considered extenuating only when it prevents normal training activities. (i.e. a minor head cold may not be sufficiently compelling).
Bereavement Statutory declaration, death certificate, funeral notice There must be a demonstrable relationship between the trainee and the deceased person.
IT / computer failure Screen shot, supporting explanation, service provider notice
Mental health Note from doctor, counsellor, psychologist, psychiatrist or other relevant medical practitioner Due to the safety-sensitive nature of aviation training, it is imperative that you keep your instructor or student services team member advised at all times in the event that mental health becomes an issue.
Pregnancy Note from doctor If you are undertaking flight training, you should seek and adhere to professional medical advice regarding safe flying whilst pregnant.
Victim of crime Police documentation
Domestic disruption Statutory declaration or explanatory letter from relevant third party This would apply only in cases where the disruption is significant and unavoidable.
Jury Duty / court appearance A letter from the Court
Transport Official public transport disruption notice Private transport problems such as car breaking down are not acceptable

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©2023 Cortex Learning Pty Ltd trading as Flight One Academy.
A proud member of the Tisdall Aviation Group.

RTO 45165        ABN 77 616 020 485